Stripey hat and new Afghans for Afghans project...

Actually finished this one several days ago. Isn't it cute? A little too Christmas-y for my taste, but hey, I was being virtuous and using up bits and pieces of holiday wool from my stash. This one will go to Afghans for Afghans in their spring delivery. It's the (slightly modified) Helix Striped Cap pattern from 2007 Knitting Pattern a Day calendar.
Next I plan to make (at least) four more children's hats for AfA's special hat project to support the Afghan Mobile Mini Circus for Children. These need to be knit in solid colors to match the circus logo: red, light blue, yellow and lime green. I didn't have the colors, so I've just ordered the yarn from Peace Fleece and can hardly wait to get it. For anybody interested in doing this, the hats are due February 28.
Meanwhile, I'm doing a bit more stash-busting for small hats and perhaps socks.